What to expect before, during and after your first float

Things to know before:
Before your float, please refrain from dying your hair for a minimum of 3 days (or washes). Hair must pass the white towel test in order to be float safe.
Please wait a minimum of 2 weeks after receiving a tattoo to book your float.
If you wear contact lenses, we recommend taking them out and bringing glasses if possible.
To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to avoid shaving before a float.
It’s best not to float too hungry or full, and to avoid caffeine just before your float. We also recommend not waxing or shaving because of the high salt content in our tanks.
Arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment to complete your client intake form.
A friendly, knowledgeable team member will give you a full orientation, and you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have.
Everything you need to float comfortably will be provided for you, and is included in the cost of your service.

While you float:
It’s best to avoid touching your face to prevent getting salt in your eyes. (But not to worry! A bottle of fresh water and a washcloth are provided for you in the tank should you forget.)
Try different arm positions to help fully ease and relax your muscles. Once you’ve settled in, we recommend staying in that position if possible as it helps with temperature regulation.
Experiment with lights, music and head support to discover your preferred experience.
Every float is different. Sometimes it’s easy to slip into a quiet mind or sleep (don’t worry- it’s safe!), and other times your monkey mind might chatter. Rest assured that each experience in the tank is beneficial to your well-being.
When the session concludes, the lights will fade, and a gentle voice will let you know the session is complete.

Transition back to reality:
Hair dryers and other useful items are provided in our restrooms
Put on loose-fitting clothing or grab one of our premium robes.
Make your way to the relaxation lounge or third-floor lounge and help yourself to a cup of tea. Our beautiful porch overlooking Meredith’s historic Main Street and third-floor deck overlooking the lake are also available when weather permits!
How often should I float?We highly recommend floating a minimum of three times within three weeks when introducing floatation therapy into your wellness routine. Not only are the benefits of floatation therapy cumulative, but as with any new experience your first float will involve getting the hang of the process. After that, the frequency that works best for you will emerge over time. We have a membership option designed to help make floatation therapy and the other healing modalities we offer accessible to you.
How many tanks do you have, and which style are they?We have two spacious float tanks - one is a float pod and the other a float room. While therapeutically, they’re the same, some people prefer one style over the other. Please call or stop in if you’d like to discuss which one is right for you- we’re always happy to help you gain the confidence to benefit from this incredible therapy.
Is floating safe?Floatation Therapy is widely accepted as generally safe, however anyone with a medical concern should always consult their doctor, not us.
How is the water cleaned?We love answering this one!! Our tanks are designed to pull each drop of water out between every guest to be run through a triple-redundant sterilization process. Water passes through a 1 micron filter, a rating that exceeds what many people use to filter drinking water Our water is tested regularly for a ppm of hydrogen peroxide, which, when passed through UV light in our filtration system, sterilizes the water Water is also treated with ozone The result is water far cleaner than any lake, ocean, hot tub, etc you’ve ever been in, every time!
What should I wear?We (highly) recommend- absolutely nothing! While it’s ultimately your choice, bathing suits interfere with your feelings of nothingness and can distract the nervous system. Also, bathing suit fibers are tough on our fancy filters! Rest assured, you’re in your own private suite for the entirety of your experience!
Do I need to bring anything?We provide everything you need- from towels to ear plugs- to enjoy your float, as well as basics such as combs, hair dryers, etc for after your experience. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing to ease the transition back into the world.
What if I feel anxious and/or claustrophobic?We have some tips! Remember you’re in FULL control during your float! You can simply open a lid or door and take a break or get out at any moment There are two tank styles to choose from, and even people with similar anxieties might feel more comfortable with one or the other Give it time- if you’re not used to quiet solitude in your own mind, it can be natural to feel uncomfortable at first. This is a classic example of the only way through it is through it, and as with anything else worth practicing, the results over time will be well worth your perseverance Many people find that having a massage or sauna session before a float allows them to enter into the float in a pre-relaxed state
Will I definitely float?You sure will! Our tanks are filled with over 900 pounds of epsom salt, which makes the water denser than the human body. If you’re a human, you’ll float!